Darkanime is a streaming site where you can find anime under various genres, especially dark anime series and movies. You can find all the latest release series and movies on their home screen. The site has got a simple and minimal design. It is a very intuitive and easy-to-use streaming site. It is completely a free streaming site. If you want to go ad-free, you can even subscribe to their premium subscription plans which cost $1 to $10/month, as a form of contribution through Patreon.
Do You Need a VPN to Stream with Darkanime?
There is always a question that comes around. Is Darkanime safe to use? When it comes to safety, we need to consider two aspects: Malwares, Pirated content. Darkanime might have some pirated content, and streaming them leads to copyright infringements. So make sure to use some of the best VPNs while streaming on this site.
As in the case of Malwares, there are lots of ads that will appear while streaming. So if you click any wrong ads, it may bring harmful viruses to your device. So make sure to use the best Antivirus software as a precaution.
Darkanime Site Design

The site interface has three colors: black, white, and grey. The site has got a minimal design without any extensive buttons and options. You can find the dark anime thumbnails on the homepage. First, you can find all the recently updated titles followed by recently added ones. If you scroll down, you can find the comments section, a forum for the whole site. In the Header section, you can find menu options like Animes, Recently Updated, Recently Added, Genres, Seasons, and Premium+. And you can find a search tile below it. There is not much in the footer section.
How to Stream with Darkanime?
(1) Open a web browser on your smartphone or computer.
(2) On the address bar, type Darkanime.
(3) Choose the correct domain for the site.
(4) Select any video you want to watch from the home page.
(5) Hit on the Play button and start streaming.
Pros and Cons of Dakkanime
- You can find the darkest anime titles from all around the world.
- The premium plan is priced at a quite affordable range.
- It has a decent site design with black, white, and grey colors.
- It even got a great community to interact with while streaming. You can chat with other fellow anime lovers.
- You can find all the newest anime on this site.
- There are more ads that are extremely annoying while streaming.
- There isn’t an application to stream. So you need to stream the content with a browser.
- The domain is not so stable.
- If you are a classic anime fan, this site is not for you.
Alternatives to Darkanime

AnimeFreak is one of the best anime streaming sites with lots of the most popular animes and running series. All series and movies are neatly categorized under different genres. It even got its own media player with autoplay features. Furthermore, it offers subbed and dubbed content and even allows you to comment under videos.

It is definitely the best alternative for the Darkanime. But the disadvantage of Funimation is that it is not completely free, and it charges the users for streaming. It consists of various English animes, broadcasts, and past classic cults. Since it is a subscribed service, there will be no ads while streaming.

It is one of the most used anime streaming sites. You can consider this as the best alternative for the Darkanime. You can stream 9Anime without a subscription or even registration. It does offer all anime series and movies under multiple genres, which you can easily download and stream online.

VRV was created by AT&T-owned Otter Media. You can find not only anime but also various other options like fiction, gaming, and anime channels under one roof. Without a TV package, you can enjoy movies and TV shows online. It even offers lots of free TV channels that offer 100 types of cartoons.

You can consider Kissanime as one of the best alternatives for the Darkanime site. It is an excellent option for streaming anime that features a huge fanbase across the globe. All videos are available in HD quality. It even offers an extensive search to enjoy your favorite cartoons. Also, it is even considered the epitome of cartoon streaming services.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find dark anime series or movies in the Darkanime streaming. But it doesn’t mean all the anime on the website are dark.
The site offers free content, which is often pirated. So the site will often be under attack by the various producers and other streaming sites. So the domain will not be stable, and all the available content will be migrated to another domain.