
Games Developers Continue to Revolutionise a Growing Industry

Gaming is absolutely booming right now. An increasing amount of us are playing smartphone titles, the sophistication that a PlayStation 5 oozes are mightily impressive, virtual reality products are now coming to the fore, and content around gaming has never been so comprehensive, with people streaming gaming content online and strong communities of gamers being associated with hit titles. Games developers and software providers have certainly played their part, too. 

After all, without some of the industry’s leading game developers and software providers, the products we can typically sample wouldn’t be anywhere near as impressive as they are. With teams of bright minds working together in a variety of roles to create a series of unforgettable gaming products, we’re now exposed to better, more enhanced gaming opportunities than we’ve ever known before. From augmented reality masterpieces to console-quality titles now being accessible on tablet devices, let’s take a look at some of the game developers who continue to revolutionise the industry and make gaming better for us all. 

Rockstar Games is Behind Some Iconic Releases 

One of the most famous names in the game development world, Rockstar Games is a developer behind some seriously iconic releases. From Grand Theft Auto to Max Payne, the New York City-based company has gone on to become one of the most reliable developers in the space, with Rockstar Games’ releases tending to dominate the charts and please millions of gamers around the world. After being founded in 1998, the company’s rise to the top of the gaming sphere has been quite remarkable and most definitely deserved. 

Niantic is Responsible for Pokemon Go’s Augmented-Reality Offering 

When making an assessment of the most innovative gaming releases over the last decade or so, Pokemon Go has to be right up there. A massive hit with mobile gaming audiences in particular, the game’s augmented reality feature provides an entirely new gaming escapade for people to sample, hence the hype around the game when it was initially released. Niantic, the company behind the game, enabled people to experience augmented reality gaming from the palms of their hands, with Pokemon Go’s outdoor aspect appealing to gamers everywhere. With more augmented reality products already released and a range of titles in the pipeline, Niantic is a company well worth following. 

Playtech’s Selection of Games Are Available at Top Online Casinos

Revolution of Game Developers

Alongside the console and PC products that are being played on a daily basis is an array of browser titles that can be accessed through the internet within seconds and provide a solid dose of entertainment. One browser game category that has shown particular growth in recent times is online casinos, with Playtech’s selection of games being available at top online sites. A market leader in this particular space, Playtech’s most enticing gaming products include the Age of Gods series of games, Big Bad Wolf, Jackpot Giant and a range of themed slot games that have been keeping casino gamers entertained since 1999. 

Capcom Company Ltd Has Developed Classics like Resident Evil

Despite the groundbreaking titles that are now entertaining mass audiences in the modern world, the classics still hold a special place in many gamers’ hearts. A company that has been behind many hit releases over the years, Capcom Company Ltd’s selection of titles are still being played today. The Japanese company has been going strong since 1979, with notable releases including Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and Mega Man. In 2014 alone, the company recorded revenues of 25.9 Billion Japanese Yen, a staggering amount. 

Other game developers who deserve mention include Naughty Dog Inc, Ubisoft, Valve Corporation, Mojang, and Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 

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