Key Highlights
- Pause Subscription: Visit the Daily Harvest site → Sign In → Menu icon → Manage Plan → Plan Status → Edit → Pause → Next → Choose the reason → Pause Plan → Yes, Pause Plan.
- Cancel Subscription: Go to Manage Plan section → Plan Status → Edit → End Plan → End Plan.
Are you fed up with plant-based meal every day? Cancel your Daily Harvest subscription to stop delivering the meals. Daily Harvest is a subscription-based food delivery that delivers healthy frozen foods. You can customize your meal planner and then schedule the timing. The subscription plan ranges from $5.99 to $9.99 per item. You can cancel the membership at any time.
On Daily Harvest, they offer over 80 unique meals, including food bowls, smoothies, soups, and chef-crafted dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables. You can modify your items, plan preferences, and delivery schedule at your convenience time. In addition, you can upgrade or downgrade the subscription plan. If you do not like the membership, you can terminate the subscription plan, or you can pause the membership for a short period of time.
How to Pause Daily Harvest Subscription
You can pause your membership for a certain period to stop delivering the food. And you should pause the subscription plan before you cancel it.
1. Open the web browser on your PC or smartphone and head to the Daily Harvest website.
2. Click on the login button on the right corner of the home screen. Enter the username or email id and password, and then sign in to your account.
3. Click on the Menu (Hamburger) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select the Manage Plan option.

4. Next to the Plan Status option, click on the Edit button.
5. After that, select the Pause button.

6. At the bottom of the page, click the Next button.

7. On the next screen, Choose the reason for canceling your subscription plan from the drop-down menu and then click the Pause Plan option.
8. Click the Yes, Pause Plan button on the pop-up window.
Apart from pausing the schedule, you can also skip the deliveries for selective days.
How to Cancel Daily Harvest Subscription through Browser
Once your Daily Harvest subscription plan is paused, you can cancel the membership easily.
1. Go to the Manage Plan section on the Daily Harvest site.
2. Click on the Edit button next to the Plan Status option.
3. After that, click on the End Plan option at the bottom.

4. Again, select the End Plan button to confirm the cancelation.

Once done, you will receive a confirmation mail to your registered email address. You can also cancel the Daily Harvest subscription on the app itself by accessing Manage Plans under your Profile.
How to Cancel Daily Harvest Subscription Via Email
Alternatively, you can also send the Request email to the Daily Harvest customer care team, and they will terminate the membership easily.
1. Open your registered email account and compose an email to [email protected].
2. In the subject field, type Request to Cancel my Daily Harvest Subscription.
3. On the description box, write the email explaining the reason for canceling your subscription, including your username, phone number, email address, and other card details.
4. At the bottom of the page, click on the Send button.
If your Daily Harvest membership is canceled, you will get a confirmation mail within two business days.
Tip! Like Daily Harvest, you can also cancel your Instacart Subscription easily.
Log in to your Daily Harvest account and navigate to the Manage Plan section, then click on the Restart button next to Plan status. Now, you can start getting your favorite food on Daily Harvest.
The important criterion to skip Daily Harvest delivery is to cancel the schedule before 6 PM ET on Sunday for the week. It is because the delivery will be planned and packed on Sunday evening.
After signing in to your Daily Harvest account, hit the calendar icon. Toggle on the switch next to the delivery date that you would like to receive the food. Once it turns green, your schedule will be confirmed.