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Easy & Creative Snapchat Streak Ideas to Grow Snapstreaks

Cool Snapchat Streak ideas to increase your Streaks.

Snapchat Streaks also called as Snapstreaks is the trend in Snapchat social media app. Snapstreaks are proof that you are using the app very frequently. If you want to increase or grow your Snapchat Streak or need to keep going on a Streak, you need to be really committed to the Snapchat app and must impose ideas. If you miss a single day on your Streak, you will completely lose your Streak and you need to start from day one. Below are the cool, funny and creative ideas for maintaining Snapchat Streaks.

Creative Snapchat Streak Ideas

  • Start with your BFF
  • Memorable First day
  • Be on Time
  • Edit the Name
  • Blank Photos
  • Use Filters
  • Snap your Daily foods
  • Travelling Snaps

Start with your BFF

BFF: Snapchat Streak ideas

Starting your Snapstreak with your best friend is a good idea to get your streak going. The chances are higher that you BFF will snap you back. Since the person is your BFF, you can go as funny as you can and don’t need to worry about the quality of your snap.

Memorable First Day


The first day of your Streak matter a lot. Start your Snapstreak on a memorable day like your birthday, your BFF’s birthday, new year, Christmas, or any other special occasion. On a specific day, you will get more attention and you can get a return snap more easily.

Be on Time

Snapchat Streak ideas

Timing is the most important thing in maintaining Snapstreak. It is one of the best Snapchat Streak ideas. The best time to send a snap to your friend is the time you woke up. When you woke up, turn on the mobile data, go to Snapchat and send a snap to your friend. The next best time to send snap is the time when you go to sleep. When you send a snap at night you will get the sand clock emoji remainder in the evening time, so that you will never miss a snap.

Edit the Name

Editing the names is a good Snapchat Streak idea if you are maintaining a streak with many friends. Snapchat has a built-in feature that will show your most-used contacts on the top of the list. In this list, there are chances that you will miss a snap to the least used person. To make every snap memorable, you can edit your friend’s name. Swipe right on the Snapchat app screen and search for your friends. Click the Profile icon and edit the name. Name your friends with unusual names like Aaaaa, Aaaaah so that you will quickly search on the chat list.

Blank Photos

Snapchat Blank Snap

You can send a snap with any photo. Create a snap by just clicking the capture button no matter what is on the screen. Send the snaps to your friends. It is not a compulsion to send a snap with proper camera angles and good lighting. This creative snapchat idea can help you a lot.

Use Filters

Using Filters on a snap is a very good idea for Snapchat Streaks. When you have a long Snapstreak, you will have access to more filters than an average user. By using filters, you can make sure that you are sending snaps to the person you are having a streak.

Tip: How to use Snapchat Filters Easily [Guide with Screenshots]

Snap your Daily Food

Daily food

Sending your Daily food is one of the funny Snapchat Streak ideas. Everyone will eat or have snacks at least once in a day. Capture that as a snap and try to make it as a habit. So, when you are out with your friends, you can maintain your Snapchat Streak.

Travelling Snaps

Travelling Snaps

Allow the Snapchat app to access the GPS location, so that you can add your location on your snap. Make a snap, when you are on the way to your work or home.

Our Opinion

If your ultimate aim is to develop a Snapstreak, send a snap to your close friend. Now, call your friend or communicate with your friend by any means and tell them to send a snap back to you. These Snapchat Streak ideas may look creepy or funny but if you and your BFF can do this, you can build your Snapstreaks a long way.

Tip: Ways to Restore Snapchat Streaks | How to Get it Back

These are the best creative Snapchat Streak ideas to continue your Streaks going. Use these ideas and continue your Streaks as long as the Snapchat app exists. Other than the above-mentioned ideas, if you have any other cool ideas to continue the Streak, tell that in the comments section. Also, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

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